Jul 24 2009

I'm a Twitter Monstar

I’m a Twitter Monstar

I’ve been twitting… tweeting… using Twitter for, oh, a little while now. I can’t actually remember, maybe since the beginning of the year. And I’ve never really let anyone know, other then putting my latest tweet on the right side of my web-site.

I go by the name seanmonstar on Twitter, since that was what my best friend called me through school. “Sean Mon-starrrrr!” Way cool, as far as I’m concerned.

Figured, now’s as great a time as any. Here’s a snapshot of what I twit tweet.

importNode tweet

Warcraft sheep explode tweet

Out of Beer tweet

And yes, we do have an “Out of beer” ticket.

Follow Me

So, I mention mostly php or Javascript things, sometimes some XSL or video game mention slips. So what are you waiting for? Follow me on Twitter!

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