Jan 19 2009

It's All Your Fault

Yes, everything. All the fights, all the ugly words, all the bruises, all the broken keyboards, all the late nights. They were your fault, IE6. It feels rather liberating to be free of you. At least, personally. (Sometimes my boss makes me work with you, but its purely professional at those times.)

So Good-bye, IE6

When a client at my job specifically wants IE6 pixel-perfect support, I cry. Then while fixing it, I rant about the process on IM to whoever is listening at that time:

[14:43] seanmonstar: i would like to write a script that reaches out and chokes you to death when you visit this website in IE6
[14:43] seanmonstar: its freaking 7 years old, and microsoft tries to send you an automatic update to IE7
[14:43] seanmonstar: the only way you still have it is if you tell microsoft to shove its update up its bum whole

I didn’t delight in the idea of making sure any new transparent PNGs or any new CSS worked properly in IE6. So I ignored it. I finally got the chance to use some of the CSS3 I’m always reading. And it felt nice not having to find the workaround. And any Javascript I write that manipulates this site, I won’t be testing in IE6. I still semi-support IE7, in that I make sure my Javascript works in it, ‘cause I use the same stuff at my job and we gotta support that junk. But honestly, I hate IE7 too.

And I hate IE8 also, even though it’s not released yet. Because, I can’t understand why it takes up until sometime this year to release a browser that is properly compliant with CSS2, when every other browser is nearing completion of CSS3. How useless!

An added benefit

I also have a very simple script on this page that loads for IE6 telling them they need to upgrade. It tries to mimic a normal IE6 alert from Microsoft, and links to Microsoft’s web-site.