Aug 24 2010

Read Your Own [Work]

Read Your Own [Work]

Bloggers, as we writers who produce work primarily for an online audience are called, often are quick to write and lazy to edit. I am certainly guilty of this more often than not. Perhaps it is the immediacy of the publishing instrument we use. Perhaps it is a more forgiving audience that has far more important things to do then shoot you a typo correction or critique of style. That said, I often go back to look at pieces I have written in the past. If I see a typo, I correct it. If I see a way I could have said something better, I do so.

It can be fun to open up an old article and read it, since it’s no longer fresh in your mind. Often times, I’ll find all sorts of spelling and grammatical errors that I just have to fix. Like Patrick says, a smaller number of people will see the article after it’s fixed, but at least it’s better.

  • #writing