Apr 02 2018

HTTP upgrades with hyper

The newest release of hyper includes some lower-level connection APIs for both the server and client.

These allow finer-grained control of exactly what is happening during an HTTP request, and the higher-level APIs already provided by hyper use these internally. However, the point is that if control is what you need, these APIs allow you to build your own abstractions on top, such as a different implementation of connection pooling than the one provided in hyper::Client. Some examples of the exact control this gives include:

  • The exact Uri to write, such as using the origin-form or absolute-form when talking to a proxy.
  • The Host header.
  • When to shutdown the connection (or to pool them).
  • Take over the underlying IO transport again.

A Websocket Upgrade

Notably, this allows using hyper send and receive HTTP upgrade requests. The most popular of these is Websockets. Here’s an example of how you could get Websockets working with hyper, broken up into 3 parts:

The first step is to create some IO transport, such as connecting a TcpStream, and then preparing an HTTP handshake.

TcpStream::connect(&addr, &handle)
    .and_then(|tcp| {
        // preparing HTTP over this socket

The above is a Future that fulfills with a SendRequest and Connection. The SendRequest is used to, surprise, send requests over the connection. The Connection is a Future that should be polled continually to make progress on the HTTP state machine.

Once you have those, you could send a specific upgrade request, and prepare to get a 101 Switching Protocols response.

.and_then(|(mut client, conn)| {
    let req = Request::new(Method::Get, "/chat".parse().unwrap());
    // should set relevant Upgrade headers

    let res = client.send_request(req)
        .inspect(|res| {
            // Probably shouldn't actually use asserts
            assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::SwitchingProtocols);

    // Put in an Option so poll_fn can return it later
    let mut conn = Some(conn);
    let until_upgrade = future::poll_fn(move || {
            // Poll until HTTP is complete, but don't shutdown socket


The above joins on a future of the Response, and a custom mini future that polls the Connection without trigger a full shutdown. The Connection will process its state until it notices that a 101 response was received (or the connection was closed normally (or with an error)). However, it won’t call shutdown on the provided IO transport. This is key if you plan to continue using the transport after HTTP is completed.

Next, the connection can be pulled apart to get the “upgraded” transport back:

.and_then(|(res, conn)| {
    // maybe get other headers from `res

    // Break up the HTTP connection into its parts
    let parts = conn.into_parts();
    let tcp = parts.io;
    // If the server sent the first message together with
    // the 101 response, it would be buffered here
    let buffered = parts.read_buf;

    // treat 'tcp' as a Websocket

The principle is the same with the server, just with accepting connections and responding with the 101 response instead.

This works with upgrading to any protocol, and even CONNECT requests. An easier API to do this with a hyper::Client or hyper::Server is still in exploration, but the building block are there for anyone to do it exactly as they see fit.

Moving on towards 0.12

This release is the last planned feature release for the 0.11.x branch of hyper. Progress towards the 0.12 feature set is now underway! Here’s a peak at some things that have already been accomplished on master:

  • hyper has replaced its types with those from the http crate.
  • Replaced tokio-core usage with the new tokio crate (huge thanks to @srijs for this and next point!).
  • Upgraded to futures 0.2.
  • Improvements to the Connect and Body APIs in preparation for better HTTP2 support.

If you’d like to join us in making this, take a peek at the 0.12 milestone, or hop by the #hyper IRC room!

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  • #rust
  • #rust-lang