Aug 31 2022

This Month in hyper: August 2022

Another hot summer month has gone by. Besides many of us convening for RustConf, a lot of wonderful contributors made great progress around hyper.

10,000 stars!

At the beginning of the month, we celebrated hyper reaching 10,000 stars on GitHub! ⭐


h2 v0.3.14

We released v0.3.14 of h2, the HTTP/2 dependency of hyper. Besides some internal refactoring, the user facing fix is that a server which responds early and wants to ignore the body will now send a NO_ERROR instead of a CANCEL, as the spec recommends, thanks to @erebe!

httparse v1.8.0

A new version of the HTTP/1 parser of hyper came out as well. @nox added an option to ignore invalid header lines, as browsers frequently do. And work from @lucacasonato and @AaronO improved request parsing performance by about ~13%!

hyper 1.0

We cruised on forward towards the stable hyper 1.0. Part of that is pushing the less stable (higher-level, more opinionated) features to hyper-util. So, I removed hyper::client::service, hyper::client::connect, hyper::Client, and hyper::Server. @MrGunflame removed the tcp feature, and it’s related code connect and accept code.

The body module is also getting some cleaning. @Michael-J-Ward renamed hyper::Body to hyper::body::Recv temporarily (want to bikeshed the new name?), so that @RajivTS could rename hyper::body::HttpBody to simpler hyper::body::Body. @Xuanwo removed the “full” constructors from Body, and @oddgrd made Body::channel private, since those are now separate types in http-body-util. I wrote a proposal for a forwards-compatible Body trait, and published an article as a preface to the pattern matching compatibility issues being solve in that proposal.

For additions, I added version-specific Connection types for the client, to replace the “either-version” type already there. We also put our governance down in writing.

You can follow along (and join us!) on this dashboard. The goal is to have a release candidate out in September!


@eagr got a spec compliance report rendered, using s2n-quic’s cargo duvet. This lets us track via comments in the code how much of the HTTP/3 spec we are obeying. We still need to fill in a bunch of comments, but there’s some in there already!

I created a tower-h3 repository to experiment with a standalone h3 client and server that can use Tower middleware. @kckeiks wrote up a magnificient PR to add experiemental HTTP/3 support to reqwest. The blocker to merging is figuring out the best way to publish “experimental” support to


We’ve heard from many sources that doing retries correctly is hard. Tower has had a retry middleware, but it clearly wasn’t doing enough to get proper retries into people’s applications. So, @LucioFranco wrote up an issue outlining the ways we’ll make it better. This includes some middleware changes to clarify concepts, and additional utilities so that designing custom retry policies is easy, and pushes the user towards safe defaults.

So far, Lucio has improved the Policy trait, derived a simple rng utility, and added a backoff module with trait and a good default based on exponential backoff.

  • #rust
  • #rust-lang
  • #hyper
  • #tower
  • #monthly
  • #http
  • #http3